On the 17th of July 2019, Idhant was profiled by Sakal Times, a leading English daily from Pune city.
The article was written by Alisha Shinde, and laid emphasis on Idhant’s ultimate goal of education for all. One of our volunteers, Devaki Kale, was featured on the front page of the newspaper, shown teaching the kids.
The article began with an introduction to the history of Idhant as an organisation and its initial goals, and then featured quotes, interviews and insights from:
Our communications manager, Saakshi Lodha, explained that schools in Pune had enthusiastic students, but often lacked the basic resources necessary for a formal education.
Our public relations manager, Nehan Sethi, talked about Idhant’s skill-based English workshops in Navi Peth government schools and a previous sportsfest at a school for disabled children.
Nehan also provided insights about our partnership with DSMP Vidyalaya and activities carried out there such as the Computer, Ethics, and Elocution Workshops, which provided a more holistic approach to learning.
The importance of learning outside of the classroom and development of soft skills to move through society was also stressed upon.
Our existence as an NGO with a very active online presence was also discussed, such as the marketing through social media sites like Facebook and Linkedin.
The piece ended on a hopeful note with Jeel Ghughu, Idhant’s programme manager talking about the power of the younger generation, and how our volunteers between the ages of 15-30 are the most encouraging and committed, even showing up to 7 a.m. sessions.
Our PR manager, Nehan Sethi made this possible, and we are eternally grateful to her.