A well-educated person understands the importance of obtaining a quality education. For all of us, who have had the blessing of being born in privileged households know that a formal education wasn’t simply a requirement, it was an obligation, something that was considered of the highest importance. With this education, we’ve learned that knowledge truly is power, not only because it gives you a worldly-wise sense of understanding but also because it gives you a perspective of life. A good education has the power of uplifting the society by spreading knowledge and creating confident, empathetic citizens for a country who strives towards a better tomorrow.
A Gap Unabridged
With the advent of technology, there has come a gap in the fine divide that exists between the privileged and the underprivileged. This has become evident even more so when the institutions are using digitized means to impart knowledge which continues to flourish amongst the fortunate. Since there has been no institution imparting this knowledge to the underprivileged section of the society followed by a lack of technology, they have always been deprived of growth and their progress is hindered at the ground level itself.
Education means acquiring knowledge. It can be in any form. The more a person learns, the more they understand and their thirst to acquire more increases.
Requirement to close this gap
The global challenge for education is not just about providing access to everyone but also ensuring progress in the right direction. Proper and well-structured education system is very important for all of us. It eases quality learning all through the life among people of any age group, caste, creed, religion, and region. It has the power to lessen poverty and inequality, bust myths and superstitions, promote health and hygiene and also reduce crime rates.
However, in India due to the age long tradition of having a patriarchal oriented society the girl child has always been deprived of education. There is still a necessity of preaching the importance of the saying ‘educate one generation and the others follow’.
A positive step ahead
A lot of NGOs all over India are ensuring that they do their part in helping the needy in achieving this unanimous goal. Right from providing books, trying to procure technology in remote areas to conducting weekend schooling hours to ensure there’s a good dose of knowledge imparted. They have always tried to put their best foot forward. By their sheer selfless efforts, we can rightly say that the NGOS stick to the saying of Robert Frost ‘I have miles to go before I sleep, I have miles to go before I sleep’.