What we teach our school children at an early age is what makes the foundation of basic knowledge strong. With the same intent, the curriculum team at Idhant works on the topics to be taught in the school sessions. After one year of school sessions, the curriculum team at Idhant realized the need for a structured curriculum focusing on nurturing English language skills in the school children attending the Pune Municipal Corporations (PMC) schools.
From January 2020 the curriculum team began working on collecting feedback from the volunteers, teachers and reviewing the progress of the students in the sessions to come up with a new curriculum. Idhant had to suspend its activities in the school due to the COVID-19 spread in early March.
Since the sessions were suspended, the curriculum team saw it as the best opportunity to work on a standardized curriculum for Grade One to Grade Seven. Given the detailed nature of work and our motto to involve youth in our educational enterprise, we hired interns for better execution of the workflow. The first step was to align the feedback we had received from the previous sessions and the requirements of every individual student with the Balbharti textbooks used by the teachers in regular school sessions.
The steps involved here were to create a flow process of topics covered by the Balbharti books for every grade and compare them with our feedback on the previous sessions. Once we analyzed this our next task was to create the right bridge between the textbook curriculum and the level of English knowledge through our worksheets.
For every grade, we focused on making illustrative worksheets of grammar, reading, writing, and speaking skills which we paired with various activities as per the flow process sheet made for every grade. We roughly spent ten days on every grade, focusing our efforts on the workbook.
The curriculum team has now completed the entire curriculum for seven grades and is ready to implement it in our sessions once we resume our activities. Simultaneously we have begun working on a dynamic feedback system to offer a personalized learning experience to every student at his/ her learning pace. Eagerly waiting to get back to the classroom teaching.